May aid in the treatment and prevention of fear and stress related signs in puppies and adult dogs
15.72mg/mL Synthetic analogue of the Canine Appeasing Pheromone
Mother dogs communicate with their puppies through natural chemical signals, or pheromones. These pheromones are scientifically called Canine Appeasing Pheromones. These pheromones are odourless messages and are only perceived by dogs, not cats or people.
Adaptil® Spray has been researched and developed to produce a synthetic analogue of these appeasing pheromones, replicating the properties of the natural appeasing pheromones. Adaptil pheromones help provide comfort and security to dogs of all ages. This helps dogs and puppies to feel reassured and relaxed in challenging situations, reducing signs of stress and anxiety, particularly in unknown environments and when encountering new experiences.
The concentration of pheromone in the air at any one time is very small and, as pheromones are species specific, Adaptil will have no effect on humans or other animal species.
Adaptil® Spray can be used in temporary environments, during transport, and as a supplement to ADAPTIL Diffuser or Collar
Adaptil Spray can be used for events both inside and outside the house, such as:
- Traveling in the car
- Adjusting to a new environment
- Visiting the vet, and hospitalisation
- Visitors to the home
Adaptil® Spray may help stop or prevent fear or stress-related behaviour in dogs and puppies that result in:
- Destruction, house soiling
- Vocalisation (whimpering, whining)
- Anxiety
If a behavioural problem is due to the dog feeling fearful or stressed then Adaptil will help reduce this behaviour, especially if used in conjunction with behavioural modification therapy. If the problematic behaviour is unrelated to stress, Adaptil will have no effect.
Studies on the effects of synthetic pheromones on the reproductive function of dogs have not been undertaken.
DO NOT spray directly onto an animal or near an animal’s face. Spray 8 to 10 pumps in the general area where the dog will be residing 15 minutes before the dog is introduced into the environment (car, carrier, etc.). Each animal will respond differently, but effects should last approximately 1½ to 2 hours. Renew application after this time or if you notice a reduced effect.
SAFETY DIRECTIONS: May irritate the skin. Will irritate the eyes. Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. Avoid inhaling the vapour or spray mist. Wash hands after use.
FIRST AID: If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre.
Phone Australia 13 11 26, New Zealand 0800 POISON (0800 764 766).
If in eyes wash out immediately with water.
Spray (bottle): 60mL.
From Veterinarians (APVMA 83354), pet stores and online
Poisons Schedule Nil.
Adaptil Spray will not stain or mark. Nevertheless, owing to the wide variety of materials used in household furnishings, we advise that the product be tested on a sample that is not easily visible prior to using it. For best results, the product should be allowed to come up to room temperature by leaving it in the room for about one hour before using it, and it should be shaken prior to use.
DISPOSAL: Dispose of empty container by wrapping with paper and putting in garbage.
STORAGE: Store below 25°C (air conditioning) in a cool well ventilated place with the container lid tightly closed. Protect from light.
CAUTION Flammable liquid and vapour. Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking. In case of fire use foam extinguisher for extinction.
Adaptil Spray may safely be used in combination with psychotropic drug therapy.